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Over the summer we are introducing our support staff to you, a vital part of the SCIDES team we could not work without. Last but certainly not least, it's Christine Lawrence's turn. We're so grateful for our support staff, Christine has been a part of the SCIDES secretarial team for more than seven years.

Thanks for taking the time, Christine. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?

My name is Christine Lawrence. I am originally from British Columbia but also lived in Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Moved back to British Columbia, to Merritt almost ten years ago.

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The new school year is here and the days are getting shorter. After a hot and challenging summer, we're ready to settle back into a routine and make the best of it despite the next Covid wave. We're in this together and will move forward together, safely. The 2021/2022 school year can still be your best one yet! Here's what we suggest:

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We're a few weeks into the new school year, the weather is turning colder, and the days are getting longer. After a hot summer and a busy beginning of the new school year, we thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how to get your workspace set up in a way that works best for you, and how to study for learning success. After all, we want the 2018/2019 school year to be your best one yet! Here's what we suggest:

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Before you know it, summer will be over (we know, unfair!), and it’s back to school. 

If your kids are enrolled at SCIDES, you’ll have a lot more flexibility in the new school year to adapt your children’s education to your family’s needs. Doing school at home is especially rewarding and challenging in grades K-9; while you can always count on the support from the team at SCIDES, we also want to share studying tips that work well for younger kids, so you’re off to the best possible start for the 2016/2017 school year.

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It's Orientation Month at SCIDES, and we hope you settled comfortably into the new school year. To cap off this month of new grades, new courses, and new experiences, we asked our Principal Ms. Colleen Mullin for her best advice for a successful school year. Here's what she had to say:

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Summer is almost over and we have a confession to make: we're really excited to start the new school year! We have fantastic activities planned - each month will have a different theme - and we're really looking forward to being your sidekicks for another awesome year of online learning.

A great way to start the new year is to get organized, and we want to share our tips for doing just that, with you. Getting back on track after the summer is easier than you think! Here we go:

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Summer time is reading time, right? We're open during the summer, if you want to keep learning (we're only closed from July 27 - August 7), but if you want to chill and read - we've put together a great reading list for you. It's not your typical summer reading list filled with bestsellers and light summer entertainment - it's the ultimate distance education / online learning list! 

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Of course there are tons of apps and websites that can help you with your studies, but it's hard to know which ones you should give a try, right? The selection is overwhelming, even for us - so we asked one of our students to check out a few and report back to us... Here's a list of apps and websites he liked - of course we'd also love to hear what you think of these, or if there are any other ones you'd recommend. Just leave us a comment below, or chime in on our Facebook page.

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The best way to study is.... 

completely dependent on what works best for you! No, there is no secret magic formula - it really depends on what works best for you. Of course we have a few tips and tricks to inspire you, and we encourage you to try them all; then pick the ones that work best for you and stick to them! And of course we'd love to hear about what works for you... here we go:

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Once you're set your schedule and you're ready to tackle your course work, you should create the ideal work space for yourself - just another piece of the puzzle for your learning success!

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Getting organized and setting a schedule for yourself is an important part of your distance learning success. In this blog, we have a few tips that might help you with that! Of course you can always contact us at SCIDES if you need any help with getting organized.

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