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Meet Our Teachers - Cory Hart

Meet Our Teachers - Cory Hart

Hard to believe it's already been two months since the school year started! We have several new teachers on our team, and it's time we start introducing them to you. First up - Cory Hart. 

1. What’s your name and where are you from? 

My name is Cory Hart. I was born and raised in southern Alberta before moving out to Victoria where I received my Education Degree.  I recently moved from Quesnel, where I had been teaching math and social studies for the past 19 years.

2. How long have you been a teacher at SCIDES? 

 I started at SCIDES this past August.

3. Why did you become a teacher? 

Great question! I was fortunate enough to have several mentors in my life who inspired me to pursue the teaching profession. 

4. What’s your favourite aspect of being a teacher?

There are many great aspects to the profession, two that stand out for me are:

1) When a child has that “aha discovery moment” of a concept and it becomes immersed and relevant in their learning.

2) The second is the child’s journey. It is amazing to hear a former student’s story which often outlines struggle and perseverance. It is an amazing feeling to see how proud they are of themselves and their families. 

5. What’s your least favourite aspect of being a teacher? 

When you have to say goodbye. In our profession, teachers often build 1-3 year relationships of learning with their students and you’ve seen the struggles, you’ve measured the progress, you’ve witnessed the success and pride … then it comes to an end!

6. What’s your best advice for students who want to figure out their career path and calling? 

My advice would be: The person you often know the least about and who needs you most is staring at you in the mirror. Go get to know them, go find out what their interests are, and quietly just listen to their thoughts.

7. What’s your favourite book and why? 

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. It was the last pleasure reading book I read before starting my Masters in Education degree. It taught me to appreciate the skill of reading for pleasure and reading for learning.

8. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

As a student, “The day you stop learning is the day you die.”  (past French teacher)

As a teacher, “Often the silent kids have the most impactful words to say.”

9. What do you still want to learn? 

Grandparenting, I really am excited for the years to come when I get to spend time (fishing, travelling, camping) and get to know my grandchildren.

10. When you’re not busy helping your students and marking assignments, what do you enjoy doing? 

I enjoy travelling to Europe (especially the islands of Croatia, Italy and Portugal). While home in Canada I like to take my VW - Westfalia campervan out into the mountains to fish, paddleboard and camp.

Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, Cory! We're so glad to have you on the SCIDES team.

If you would like to find out more about SCIDES and the programs we offer, connect with us on social media, or get in touch



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Guest Wednesday, 23 October 2024