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We have one more of our educators to introduce to you, French teacher Pam Parenty, who also looks after scholarships at SCIDES. Now that the deadline for scholarships has passed for this year, Pam had time to tell us a bit about herself.

Thanks for taking the time, Pam. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?

My name is Pam Parenty. I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and Mission, BC. I live in Penticton now. 

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The last month of the school year is here, a school year that was dominated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Together, we made it through! We hope our monthly themes along with the resources we shared were helpful to you, and we always appreciate you reading our blog and chiming in on our social channels. As the summer is close and the school year comes to an end we thought Joyful Endings would be a great theme for this month. It's about finding joy in the moment, whether we're together in person or virtually, or even by ourselves. Joy can be found everywhere, anytime. We are excited to share great resources with you, and would love to hear what you're doing to find joy; connect with us on Facebook to share.

June Resources

Blogs and Articles

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We're excited to share the next Educator of the Month with you - Liana Tilt. Here's how she answered our questions (hint: the best advice she ever received is priceless!)

Mrs. Tilt, we're thrilled to have you as our Educator of the Month for March. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Liana Jule Tilt and my maiden name was Greiner but my family calls me L.J.,Geaner, or Mule. I was born in Matsqui, B.C. near Abbotsford and moved around to Loon Lake, Yarrow, and eventually to Summerland in the Okanagan where I spent most of my life.

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We're excited to share this month's Educator of the Month with you - Sheldon Stuttard. Here's how he answered our questions (hint: we love his answers!).

Mr. Stuttard, so great to have you as educator of the month! Let's get started! Where are you from?

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Encounters with Canada is a wonderful organization that offers youth ages 14 - 17 the opportunity to spend a week in our nation's capital. With different themes like Arts & Culture, Communication & Social Media, and Youth & Democracy, the week in Ottawa is an unforgettable trip for those who participate. Several of our students have taken the opportunity to go (SCIDES offers up to $600 towards the trip - ask Mrs. Eves for all the details); and this month we asked one of the recent attendees to tell you about his experience. 

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November is Sports Month at SCIDES, and we want you to get active and celebrate sport in your community!

Sports and play are important for kids and adults alike, and we'll introduce a few amazing programs and opportunities to help you get more active this month.

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