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Meet Our Teachers - Jennifer Artibise

Meet Our Teachers - Jennifer Artibise


Our theme this month is Planning, but we also want to continue introducing our new teachers to you. Welcome to SCIDES, Jennifer Artibise! Let's find out more about one of the newest additions to the SCIDES team.


Thanks for taking the time, Jennifer. Can you introduce yourself and tell us where you're from?

Jennifer Artibise, and I'm from Merritt, BC!

How long have you been a teacher at SCIDES? 

Just about two months.

Why did you become a teacher? 

I am passionate about helping others.

What’s your favourite aspect of being a teacher?

I love to see the “lightbulb” come on when students make a connection within their learning.

What is your least favourite aspect of being a teacher? 

When a student is dealing with so many other hurtful things outside of school that their education gets put on the back burner. 

What’s your best advice for students who want to figure out their career path and calling? 

Try everything!  Push yourself outside of your comfort zone – if you don’t try it then how do you know if it’s your calling? 

What’s your favourite book and why? 

Lord of the Rings – It’s a book with so much detail that I could easily ‘play’ the movie in my mind as I was reading.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? 

3 pieces:

Everything happens for a reason.

It is what it is.

“The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in a storm.”― Confucius

What do you still want to learn? 

I have been exploring my artistic side lately, so I have so much to learn!  At the moment, I am interested in pottery and wire crochet jewelry. In the future, I would like to learn about acrylic and watercolour painting and sketching. 

When you’re not busy helping your students and marking assignments, what do you enjoy doing? 

I enjoy spending time with my family,  including my dog Stanley, I volunteer at the Art Gallery, and play in my pottery studio!


Thanks for taking the time to answer the questions, Jennifer! We're so glad to have you on the SCIDES team.

If you would like to find out more about SCIDES and the programs we offer, connect with us on social media, or get in touch



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Guest Wednesday, 23 October 2024