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Brick & Mortar Schools vs. DL
Of course the team at SCIDES does not have anything against traditional brick & mortar schools, but we are convinced that e-learning offers quite a few unique opportunities to succeed and excel in education.
So we thought it's time to compare the two - check out our brick & mortar vs. DL list!
Traditional Brick & Mortar School
- no choice which classes are taken each semester - since all students have to fit into the schedule, it is very rigid
- time limit on course - once the semester is over, you need to be done
- little choice on assignment format, or due dates - teachers need to streamline because of class sizes
- set time schedule, each class is 1- 1.5 hour each day with the same group of kids
- class stops to deal with discipline or assemblies or school events
- only a small amount of time is available to understand a concept and then the class has to move on to cover the curriculum
- set office hours
- long midterms and final exams worth a significant portion of grade
- busy/crowded hallways, peer pressures and peer group social pressures
Phew, that sounds exhausting, right? Now let's have a look at how we do education at SCIDES:
Distributed Learning with SCIDES
- self paced - it's true to our motto: Your Choice, Your Pace ~ Any Time, Any Place
- no time limits on courses
- work on course when it is the right time for you - some of us learn better in the morning, some of us find it easier at night, so why not learn at the optimal time?
- work from anywhere in the world! Even though SCIDES only enrolls students with their primary residence in BC, where you end up doing the work is up to you.
- choose which courses you want and when you want to enroll in them
- teacher and tutor contact Mon- Fri from 8:30 - 4 pm (email, Skype, phone, F2F) - OK, we do take a break sometimes... but you can still work on your courses at any time!
- opportunities to adapt assignments, or to re-write tests and quizzes
- no midterm or final exams
- take as long as you need to learn each concept. There are lots of resources out there and we want you to take full advantage!
- you don't have to deal with classroom discipline/ disruptions
- no busy hallways (but of course nobody says that you can't sit and study in a busy coffee shop, if that works for you ;) )
- most students at SCIDES have similar motivations and values - you'll feel right at home!
Sounds great, doesn't it? We think so! Taking advantage of personalized learning, tailored to fit your needs - it's the future of education and the team at SCIDES is excited to be part of it
So - if you want to take advantage of everything e-learning has to offer, contact us to find out more or connect with us on Facebook